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Creation of banner, logo, flash and other web services

Web design     SEO optimization of web site     Updating and support of site     Make a banner, logo, web services     Domains     Web Hosting

  • Registration of domain
20 lv     the paid period is 1 year and is valid for domains (.com .net .org)
  • Renew of domain
20 lv     the paid period is 1 year and is valid for domains (.com .net .org)
  • Settings of domain
30 lv     the service includes: setting of DNS records, setting of sub-domains, forwarding, parking, transfering, creation of e-mail etc.
  • standart banner (static)
15 lv   banner price
  • animated banner (few pictuers or text are rotated dynamicly)
20 лв   price for banner
  • flash banner (few pictuers or text are rotated dynamicly with effects)
30 lv    
  • company logo
25 lv   price for logo
  • flash logo (few pictuers or text are rotated dynamicly with effects)
35 lv  

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